A place to provide tools and tips from our communities, for our communities.
A key part of our corporate mission is to leave every community we've done business in better off for Coral having been there. One way to do that is to have a place where we – and our community members – can share tools and tips to make our neighborhoods better. Inspired by Logan, a local student, we've created this space with the hope that others will share their ideas to positively impact and engage their communities. If you have a great article or tip, reach out to us and share! Just fill out the form below. Thank you!
Logan's teacher, Kayla, contacted us to share an article that Logan found during a class research project about neighborhood security and its importance to our communities. After discovering Coral's Resident Resources page, Logan thought the security camera article would be great information to share.
Peter is responsible for setting the vision and strategic direction of the company and working with team members to achieve that vision. After a career in real estate law and serving as Chief Operating Officer for a national real estate firm based in Cleveland, Peter launched The Coral Company in 1987 and has served as Coral’s CEO for 32 years. After his high school pitching career, which was more fun than accomplishment, Peter was offered a minor league baseball contract by the New York Mets.